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Guides & Manuals

FireSmart BC Begins At Home Guide

This guide provides easy steps to make your property FireSmart, while also covering how wildfires grow and spread, and the bigger picture of creating FireSmart communities.

FireSmart Begins At Home Guide (PDF)

This guide outlines how each homeowner can make their property and neighbourhood FireSmart.

FireSmart BC Landscaping Hub

By making the right strategic choices in your yard, you can make your property more resilient to wildfire. This hub includes an extensive list of fire-resistant plants, tips on how to create a FireSmart landscape, and information on the FireSmart BC Plant Program.

Plant Chart Booklet

This chart breaks down fire-resistant plants, as well as fire hazards, to know when gardening and landscaping for a FireSmart property.

FireSmart BC Landscaping Guide

By making some strategic choices in your yard, you can increase the wildfire resiliency of your property. This guide includes an extensive list of fire-resistant plants, as well as tips on how to create a FireSmart™ landscape around your property.

The Farm/Ranch Wildfire Plan Guide and Workbook

Producers face unique challenges from wildfire. Use the Farm/Ranch Wildfire Plan guide and workbook to develop a preparedness plan that’s customized for your specific operational needs.

Wildfire Preparedness Guide

This guide will help you prepare your household, protect your property and understand what to do if a wildfire is close to your community.

FireSmart Critical Infrastructure Guide

The FireSmart Critical Infrastructure (CI) Hazard Assessment Form is a numerically ranked process that is intended for assessing vulnerability of systems, facilities, technologies, networks, assets and services essential to the healthy, safety, security or economic well being of British Columbians and the effective functioning of government.

Wildfire Resilience Home Construction – Renovation and Landscaping Checklist

Wildfire-resilience best-practice checklist for home construction, renovation and landscaping in wildland urban interface areas of Canada.

The Seven FireSmart Disciplines

With our seven tried, tested and true FireSmart disciplines, you can help mitigate wildfire threats around your home and in your community.

FireSmart activities you can do while you’re at home.

As we navigate the evolving situation with COVID-19, FireSmart BC remains committed to supporting you with the resources you need to minimize risk from wildfire.

FireSmart Social Media Handbook

This document outlines FireSmartBC's social media objectives and best practices across various platforms.

Open Burning Practices for Farmers and Ranchers

Farmers and ranchers sometimes face special challenges when using open burns to clear grass and stubble, debris piles and windrows. To help conduct your open burn safely, please follow the tips in this factsheet.

FireSmart Canada Home Development Guide

Building a Wildfire-Resistant Home: Codes and Costs

A new home built to wildfire-resistant codes can be constructed for roughly the same cost as a typical home.