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FireSmart BC + Art Knapp

We teamed up with Art Knapp stores in Kamloops and Prince George; enlisting our favourite FireSmart messenger, Ember, to help get the word out about FireSmart landscaping.

Tips and Tricks Webinar

This webinar was held in order to provide local governments, First Nations, Neighbourhood Champions, Fire Departments, Community FireSmart and Resiliency Committee members and Local FireSmart Representatives with the tools and know-how to create their own FireSmart communication channels and materials.

The Worst Plan Is No Plan

There’s a lot you can do before an evacuation is ordered to protect your home, farmland, or ranch from wildfire.

We Asked The Experts

After years of devastating wildfires, we asked firefighters and experts from around the world one question: “What have we learned?” As it turns out, people who have fought these fires also saw a silver lining: the homes that survived did something different, but simple.

The Farm/Ranch Wildfire Plan Guide and Workbook

Producers face unique challenges from wildfire. Use the Farm/Ranch Wildfire Plan guide and workbook to develop a preparedness plan that’s customized for your specific operational needs.

FireSmart Home Ignition Zone Assessment

Watch Larry Watkinson (Fire Chief of Penticton) give a Home Ignition Zone Assessment for a homeowner in Penticton, BC. Home assessments are a great opportunity to identify where FireSmart practices can be applied on the home.

FireSmart Home Ignition Zone VIdeo

Post-fire studies, experiments and models have shown that homes ignite due to the condition of the home itself and everything around it, up to 100 metres from the foundation.

Wildfire Mitigation For The Farm And Ranch

Producers face unique challenges from wildfire. Use the Farm/Ranch Wildfire Plan guide and workbook to develop a preparedness plan that’s customized for your specific operational needs.

Creating Your Operations Map

An operations map helps producers make quick decisions and take action in the face of a wildfire threat. For farms and ranches, an operations map is a key part of having a wildfire plan.

IBHS Research Center Ember Storm Test Highlights

Courtesy of, this video shows highlights from the Insurance Institute for Business Home and Safety (IBHS) ember storm test.

The Role and Impact of a FireSmart Coordinator

Meet Krista Minar and learn about her role as a FireSmart Coordinator for the city of Merritt.

Legislation & Planning

Wildfire prevention is a community effort. It starts with proven FireSmart practices for land-planning and building legislation that focuses on fire safety.


When it comes to being FireSmart, education is everything. From landscaping best practices to fire-resilient building materials, learning what you can do today to protect against wildfires can save homes and lives tomorrow.

Development Considerations

Whether you’re in the design stage, building, or performing renovations, there are many ways you can help protect your home and community from wildfires.

Vegetation Management

One of the key ways to mitigate wildfire threats is to manage vegetation on properties in fire-prone areas.